Prayer for Faith

The Diocese of Rotterdam has published a Prayer for Faith for the upcoming Year of Faith. In the menu on the left of this page, the diocese presents the prayer in three languages: Dutch, English and Spanish. Starting on 11 October, new translations into languages that are spoken in the diocese will be added.

In an invitation to the faithful in his diocese, Bishop Hans van den Hende writes the following about prayer:

“This year I would like to be, in a special way, united in prayer with you. Faith is a gift from God which He places in our hearts. With the Prayer for Faith we join the disciples in Luke 17:5, who persistently ask for more faith; so we too can give witness in word and action that the Lord is our hope and our strength.”

Below, the text of the prayer in English. Use it, perhaps, in your Vespers or some other regular moment of prayer.

Almighty and merciful God,
Your Son Jesus lived among us and shared our lives.
We trust in you even though we can not see you.
Give us more faith in your presence.

Almighty and merciful God,
Your Son Jesus taught us to pray.
We may call you our Father and ask you anything.
Give us more faith in the power of prayer.

Almighty and merciful God,
Your Son Jesus taught us to love.
We should love both you and our neighbours as we love ourselves.
Give us more faith in your love.

Almighty and merciful God,
Your Son Jesus taught us to serve.
We can serve you by serving our neighbour, who is made in your image.
Give us more faith in the path of service.

Almighty and merciful God,
Your Son Jesus taught us to forgive.
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Give us more faith in forgiveness and reconciliation.

Almighty and merciful God,
Your Son Jesus died and rose again.
We thank you because your love is stronger than death.
Give us more faith in your eternal life.

Almighty and merciful God,
Your Son Jesus taught us to be open to the Holy Spirit.
We ask you for the inspiration of your Spirit.
Give us more faith in the working of your Spirit.

Almighty and merciful God,
Your Son Jesus built your Church on the faith of the apostles.
We honour you through liturgy, catechesis and our help to the needy.
Give us more faith in your Church as your instrument on earth.

Almighty and merciful God,
Your Son Jesus has promised us that He will come again.
We can become closer to you by remaining true in faith.
Give us more faith in your future and completeness.

Our Father …

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