Msgr. Marini on the liturgy

 I read a very interesting lecture today. It was held yesterday by Msgr. Guido Marini at the Collegio Teutonico del Campo Santo in Vatican City. Msgr. Marini is the Pontifical Master of Ceremonies and spoke about the liturgy before and after Vatican II. He manages to take the outward beauty of the liturgy and peel away layer after layer to reveal the function and value of the main elements of the liturgy of the Eucharist. He makes good points about the continuity of the Church and her liturgy.

The talk was one in a series, and part of the Clergy Conference 2010 in Rome, as organised by the Confraternities of Catholic Clergy of the United States and Australia, although priests from other countries are attending as well. One of them is Father Tim, who blogs about it here, here, here and here.

The people at New Liturgical Movement have managed to get their hands on the text of the lecture. Hopefully I’ll be able to provide a Dutch translation tomorrow, albeit with the caveat that I’m no liturgist or professional translator. But perhaps one or two people would appreciate it nonetheless.

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