Archbishop Léonard to offer EF Mass in Brussels

A Belgian Thomist reports that, on 30 January, Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard will mark the establishment of an official FSSP presence in the Belgian capital by offering a Mass in the Extraordinary Form. This is only the second time since the publication of Summorum Pontificum in 2007, that an EF Mass in the Low Countries involves such a high-level prelate. The first was, of course, the Mass presided over by Archbishop Bacqué, the nuncio to the Netherlands, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (15 August of last year).

The celebration of this Mass should of course first be valued for itself and its intention: the celebration of the establishment of the FSSP in Brussels. But on a separate level it is also a firm endorsement of and support for the wish of Pope Benedict XVI that this older form of the Latin Mass be promoted on an equal level to the more familiar ordinary form, so as to firmly embed our daily Catholic experience in the long history of the Church and her Tradition.

The Mass will start at 17:30 and will be offered at the church of Sts. John and Stephen of the Minims. located at the Miniemenstraat 62 in Brussels.

Photo credit: the website of Mysterium Fidei, a Flemish movement that encourages the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.

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