The change the Church needs

The spires of the two parish churches "point out the the invisible higher reality in our lives"

An excellent blog post on the website of the parish of Saints John and Clement in Waalwijk*, Diocese of ‘s Hertogenbosch, titled, “It is not the Church that needs to change, but you and I”. Taking the recent bush fires in the diocese (Reusel, Liempde, San Salvator, and also Waalwijk, where the previous pastor was less than popular) as a starting point, the unnamed author takes a firm stand against liberal, often elderly faithful who consider themselves progressive and want to change the Church, or at least their parish, in a product of our times.

Some excerpts:

The ‘protestants’ are often supported by former priests who either resigned their office, or are married and no longer active in a parish belonging to the diocese, or religious priests. They loudly demand democratisation and ‘adaptation to the times’ from the leaders of the Catholic Church who, supported by her bishops and a new  class of priests and faithful, all over the world keep to Catholic teaching, which they draw from the unchangeable Gospel of Christ. Those who demand structural change from the Church call their opponents conservative, old-fashioned and stupid. They feel supported by the media and millions of baptised Christians who never, or only at very special occasions, see the inside of a church. All these critics only see a future for the Catholic Church if she adapts to the wishes and ideas of the majority. According to them, the people are the Church, and so they want the people to call the shots in a ‘reformed’ democratic church. Literally and figuratively.

The text mentions some of the examples of incidents I mentioned above, and then continues:

These are all examples which indicate that the Church keeps holding on to the sanctity of the Eucharist and the other sacraments, against the wishes of the majority of the Dutch people, that not only demands that the Church lets people choose for themselves between life and death, fidelity and infidelity, self-sacrifice or self-gratification, charity or selfishness, but at the same time demands that the Church sanctifies, by administering the sacraments, practices that are unchristian according to the Gospels, like the ones mentioned above.

The conclusion of the piece is a serious one:

The only thing that all the protesters and  troublemakers achieved since the 1960s, with their anticatholic and unchristian actions, is that the younger generations threw out the baby with the bathwater, i this case the Christ child sent by God. With the result that many young people never or rarely go to a church anymore: Today – 1,400 years after the Christianisation by St. Boniface – the Church of Christ is faced for the first time with a young generation which has hardly learned anything (positive) about our faith and our Church at home and in school, and for the most part no longer knows what the good news of Jesus Christ is.

The piece further refers to the aged ‘revolutionaries’ of the Mariënburg club and the 8 May movement which sprung up in the wake of Blessed John Paul II’s visit to the Netherlands in 1985, noting the disastrous results of decades of individualism and ill-informed protest. The final words of the article are attrubited to Blessed Teresa of Kolkata:

Blessed Mother Theresa was once asked what she thought should change first in the Church. He answer was, “You and I!”

*The parish of the intelligent, humble and over-so-sensibly Catholic Father Marcel Dorssers, a regular guest at the annual Credimus Bootcamp.

Photo credit: R.K. parochie St. Jan en St. Clemens

2 thoughts on “The change the Church needs”

  1. Het is onbegrijpelijk, dat een intelligent volk, als het onze (NL), zo misleid kan worden door externe figuren en factoren, dat ze opstaan tegen de regelingen, die God trof voor zijn mensenkinderen en dat van Adam af heeft geprobeerd het zijn schepselen duidelijk te maken, maar van den beginne af stuitte op de HOOGMOED van het schepsel,die van de Toren van Babel af nog steeds probeert van Zijn Kerk een soort club te maken, waar iedereen kan doen wat hij wil. Scott Hahn schrijft het duidelijk in zijn boek “De Vader, Die Zijn beloften houdt” geef de rode lijn van God door de geschiedenis aan. Lees dat eerst eens lieve mensen en slik uw mening even in en gehoorzaam en luister naar de H Kerk, de Bruid van Jezus Christus, Die ons allen eens zal oordelen over wat wij met ons leven, dat Hij gaf en Hij alleen, hebben gedaan voor Hem!! Vergeet zaken als : meningen van mensen, democratie, stemrecht en zeggenschap, sluit uw mond en luister. De H Kerk opgericht door de Zoon van God, Jezus Christus, volgens de regels van de Vader in de Hemel, is de nige spreekbuis voor de wereld uit de Hemel. Ik hoop er eens te mogen verblijven door de genade, die Hij mij heeft verworven.

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